> Join in as ops
> We buy two syndi borgs and a bunch of other stuff
> Reports of singularity being free on the radio
> Take some bombs, extra ammo, shotgun, box of flashbangs
> One op needs help putting up the spacesuit helmet
> Ship parked NE of the station
> Fast jetpacks are fast, zoom past HoS office while he's in there
> Plant a bomb at armory for the guys that got left behind in the singularity lag
> Don't feel like fighting in the armory, fly to bomb tcomms next
> Go all the way around the station, realize I don't actually want to shoot through windows to get on the station
> Conveniently an engineer is wiring the solars
> Not hearing much from the other ops, then again I haven't been paying much attention
> Plant a bomb in maintenance next to tcomms APC
> Disk in captain's office, no word from other ops, gibs in the hallway
> Grab RCD from EVA
> Lurk around captain's office
> Tcomms bomb missed the apc by an inch
> Guy in CE suit fixing tcomms
> Drag him away, strip, discover a normal station engineer ID
> Not much time left, time to go ham on this captain
> RCD through teleporter room
> flashbang, flashbang, minibomb, pistol down a secborg
> Captain escaped to Bridge, RCD is out of charges
> Reload pistol, grab another flashbang, fix teleporter
> Teleport to bridge, flashbang, kill a virologist with their fireaxe, shoot down and axe the HoS
> Take HoS's ID, check if he had guns, reload
> captain is in the meeting room, chase after him
> Handteleported to bridge, chase to his office, spamming flashbangs everywhere
> He teleports again and I flashbang myself
> After shuttle arrives find him dead next to the shuttle
> Grab him, take the disk, shuttle leaves
> Can't find our ship, go across z level
> Run out of oxygen and die in space
> Syndicate minor victory
Okay, we didn't properly win, but it was still awesome
> Reading the ghosts' comments from public logs
Code: Select all
[18:57:39]SAY: QuartzCrystal/(Jebidiah Redbull) has made a priority announcement: Good job handling the ops crew. Myself and a security borg are safe and guarding the disk. See you all on the escape shuttle when the time comes. Stay safe.
[18:59:29]ADMIN: peoplearestrange/(Cayenne) checked antagonists.
[18:59:35]ADMIN: @Peoplearestrange[DC]/(Cayenne) followed Perakp/(Flick Scones)
[18:59:41]GAME: Perakp/(Flick Scones) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Captain's Office (124,125,1).
[18:59:42]SAY: Ghost/Red Lobster : borg down
[18:59:47]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : Nice, nice, nice.
[18:59:50]SAY: Ghost/Whodaloo : CAP STILL HSA THE DISK THO
[19:00:51]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : What is he doing?
[19:00:57]SAY: Ghost/Whodaloo : trying to teleport to the bridge
[19:01:17]GAME: Perakp/(Flick Scones) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Bridge (116,135,1).
[19:01:44]EMOTE: Fay Slessgoon/Iamgoofball : <B>Fay Slessgoon</B> seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
[19:01:51]SAY: Ghost/RD101 : rip hos
[19:02:19]SAY: Ghost/Jud1c470r : truly, this man was worthy of killing me
[19:02:35]ADMIN: peoplearestrange/(Cayenne) Rejected Iamgoofball's admin help
[19:03:24]GAME: Perakp/(Flick Scones) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Captain's Office (121,130,1).
[19:03:35]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : SELF FLASHANGGED
[19:03:36]SAY: Ghost/Jud1c470r : HE'S DOWN
[19:03:36]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : JFGGFJSHS
[19:03:37]SAY: Ghost/Jud1c470r : INTENSE
[19:03:38]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : AHAHAHA
[19:03:50]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : At leat the cap know ho to run.
[19:03:59]SAY: Ghost/F1restorm : Luckily no one noticed...except twenty ghosts
[19:07:00]GAME: Perakp/(Flick Scones) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Chapel (185,134,1).
[19:07:09]EMOTE: Jebidiah Redbull/QuartzCrystal : <B>Jebidiah Redbull</B> seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
[19:07:16]SAY: Ghost/RD101 : BOMB SHUTTLE PLS
[19:07:20]GAME: Perakp/(Flick Scones) has primed a flashbang for detonation at Emergency Shuttle (207,137,1).
[19:07:30]SAY: Molly Slysbern/SpiritOfRevenge : Lynch the flashbanger
[19:07:39]SAY: Ghost/Carakka : How did cap die?
[19:07:54]SAY: Ghost/Ghende3 : shuttle ran him ove
[19:08:00]SAY: Oldman Robustin/ForcefulCJS : Uh bodies are piling up on SW solars room, are we sure all the operinos are dead?
[19:08:23]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : Too lte to arm it, really.
[19:08:37]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : I really want him to win
[19:08:56]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : this op is awful
[19:09:02]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : He might score a minor victory, or a major one, if he's quick.
[19:09:06]SAY: Ghost/Durkel : He got farther then all the others
[19:09:16]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : He singlehandedly saved the op from total disaster, im not sure that means he sucks
[19:09:26]SAY: Ghost/Carakka : He'd have to start the nuke right now to have a chance of it detonating in time
[19:10:03]GAME: The nuclear authentication disk has been destroyed in (114, 9 ,7). Moving it to (193, 112, 1).
[19:10:14]SAY: Ghost/Red Lobster : HE WENT OFF THE Z LEVEL
[19:10:16]SAY: Ghost/Nothingness : He has about three minute.
[19:10:17]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : OH MY GOD
[19:10:17]SAY: Ghost/Laferioo : >he can't find it
[19:10:17]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : LOL
[19:10:18]SAY: Adam Pryex/Perakp : Where the fuck did we park the ship?
[19:10:19]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : LOLOLOLOL
[19:10:19]SAY: Ghost/Durkel : Ayy lmao
[19:10:20]SAY: Ghost/Iamgoofball : ahahahahahahahhahahahaha
[19:10:21]SAY: Ghost/RD101 : TOP KEK
[19:10:22]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : You fucked it
[19:10:23]SAY: Ghost/Laferioo : oh my god
[19:10:24]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : GAME OVER
[19:10:25]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : GAME OVER
[19:10:27]SAY: Ghost/Laferioo : GAME OVER
[19:10:28]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : HJASHAHA
[19:10:30]SAY: Ghost/Red Lobster : THE DISK RESPOND IN RND
[19:10:31]SAY: Ghost/Ghende3 : disk is in rnd
[19:10:34]SAY: Ghost/Higgins McGee : Shiiiiit
[19:10:35]SAY: Ghost/Eu4ia : MY DICK
[19:10:35]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : oh my go "where di we park the ship" holy shit
[19:10:50]SAY: Ghost/Jud1c470r : that poor bastard
[19:10:51]SAY: Ghost/F1restorm : That's ss13 for you
[19:10:53]SAY: Dortha Morris/Banrax : Fun shift, eh?
[19:11:03]SAY: Ghost/Durkel : Tried so hard and go so far
[19:11:04]SAY: Ghost/Higgins McGee : God that sucks
[19:11:06]SAY: Ghost/Thrilla of Manilla : Dumbass
[19:11:06]SAY: Ghost/Higgins McGee : I'd be so mad
[19:11:22]SAY: Ghost/Thrilla of Manilla : memorize where it is next time knob
[19:11:28]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : And now he dies for nothing
[19:11:32]SAY: Ghost/Joshalex5 : RIP
[19:11:46]SAY: Ghost/Thrilla of Manilla : dude
[19:11:54]SAY: Ghost/Thrilla of Manilla : memorize where shuttle is
[19:11:55]SAY: Ghost/Thrilla of Manilla : knob