Once upon a time sec was a brutal, murderous group of total assholes.
Traitors were in their midst, and there were no rules against officers getting their valids on.
This would often lead to sec officers relay tossing people, innocent or otherwise, out the airlock.
Because one traitor officer pointing at anyone on the station and saying "That guy is a murderer get him!" was sensible enough for any other nearby non-antag officer who wanted to get some blood on their baton to join in on stomping someone to death. Multiple times I was even lynched by my own sec force as a HoS for trying to instill order and justice when others accused me of being the traitor.
There was lots of "trusting" going on then, in the sense that anyone telling you to murder someone could be "trusted" enough that it was okay to do. Eventually sec had traitor taken away from them and more rules added to them to try to calm this down, since it was IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE to play a sec officer that actually wanted to help people without everyone lynching you (or your suspect getting tossed out an airlock, and the guy you brought in as a witness, and the lawyer, and the mime, and so on).
While this was a total fucking nightmare of bullshit and wanton slaughtering it was also FUN.
I'm not advocating a return to that shitfest. I think the most instrumental part in the Shitcurity Murderspree 2011 was the fact that there were traitors in their midst feeding other officers false info that they could (and happily would) act on immediately without any kind of corroboration or fact-checking.
...but I think a return to a world were sec officers can kill people in self defense, or defense of others, and brutally murderlize known capital offenders (as long as nobody who cares is watching! don't get fired!) would be a big improvement on the current mallcop bullshit we currently have.
Goon has a great idea when it comes to sentencing. You make it all up as long as it doesn't go over 5 minutes. If you think they did something which DOES warrant more than five minutes, ask the Warden or HoS.
Back to the good ol' skull-cracking funtimes of dispensing sweet sweet JUSTICE without all the autism of brig timer modifiers and term multipliers. More sec murdering people than we have now (a lot more!) but it should be justified and handled by admins the same as any other grey-tider would be murdering the same guy anyway.