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by IMVader
Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:56 am
Forum: Spriting and Mapping
Topic: Cerestation (It's dead, Jim)
Replies: 315
Views: 93182

Re: Cerestation (WIP)

So, I just played a round in Ceres as HoP, and I can give some more feedback, as well as some selected feedback from friendly OoC (and some IC):

Played as HoP, some more feedback:
* No recharger in HoP office. One has to leave to recharge the gun.
* Once the alarm is set of in captain's office ...
by IMVader
Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:23 am
Forum: Spriting and Mapping
Topic: Cerestation (It's dead, Jim)
Replies: 315
Views: 93182

Re: Cerestation (WIP)

The map is huge, barren and unfinished. Here just a few complaints:

* As a Security Officer you get no access to security records consoles nor extra clothes (berets!) in brig.
* Despite you have ten (Ten!) holding cells, perma is tiny and equipped with only a single door.
* The purpose of the ...