I brought this up in the discord #coding-general and sort of got "this is not possible" to "it's expensive and dumb", but I decided to stick it in here anyway because, well, why not.
I am a command-box typer. Started that way, and will be that way forever. I gave the pop-up box the good old ...
I think an issue, at least for me, is that Manuel is quite packed. There are so many people on at once, and the server is near full much of the time. When I play there, I'm often struggling with the sheer amount of overwhelm due to all the speaking and everything that is going on. I think people ...
It's a little too chaotic for my tastes. I did try to genuinely use the map on the wiki and go through it as a ghost to try and understand it better, but I find myself just as confused. I still get lost because of the strange layout and (my opinion) lack of identifiable markers ...
My idea is pretty simple: Two moths, or a moth and a random dude, that run Moffuchi's Pizza on Icebox. A cook and a waiter.
May be good to add: 1. Power that can be set up (like mini solars?) or perma power (though perma power could potentially be a problem if the pizza place spawns nearby and ...
Richie spawns in pizza moffs sometimes on Bagil. It's pretty fun but the ruin does depressurize easily.
Ah, I see. It might need to be remapped for a better pressurization situation, but honestly it's kind of fun for it to get too cold in there and the cook is screaming at you to close the door ...
My idea is pretty simple: Two moths, or a moth and a random dude, that run Moffuchi's Pizza on Icebox. A cook and a waiter.
May be good to add: 1. Power that can be set up (like mini solars?) or perma power (though perma power could potentially be a problem if the pizza place spawns nearby and ...
I'm sorry nobody has responded to your thread. Generally, you'll get permabanned if you don't stick around for questioning. I play CMO often and find it can be really frustrating when people are treating you like garbagio in game. Obviously, as a new player, you should really take the time to get to ...
As a US West coast player. Mornings 8-11 the count is 20-30, midday 12-5pm its 30-80, evening 40-55, night 20-35, and in the early am's 0-10. So basically from Europe afternoon to the next morning*
As a strictly Bagil unless its down for a long time, Bagil is very clear when its hub and when its ...
Short hair for life. You should get those cracks in your foundation wall looked at, you wouldn't want water to get in and freeze expand cycle to ruin your concrete and let water in to the flooring.
That's in Canada, and it's a garage I think. I don't live in ...
The suggestion of a small wait seems good to me. I think it would really help to save some people the headache of an early-round roasting due to an uncontrollable accident.
I admit now that I made a mistake on the unwordly part of it. Because I didn't understand that things said by the character don't show up in VV if they are a ghost, and I hadn't checked the server logs. I apologize for that. I understand now how to use that system properly, and will use it properly ...
So, lots of miners keep dying, especially at the very beginning of games, because someone recalls the mining shuttle or what have you, and the people trying to get off the shuttle get wrecked. I've had multiple ahelps about it recently. I feel it might be prudent to put some kind of "safety" system ...
Why not set it so its on a timer? That way it's a slightly exciting attempt to escape, rather than a stressful situation. I think that would make it more event-like. You know, prisoners have 1 minute or whatever to get out!
I use half olive oil and half sesame oil instead because it has a better flavor, but some people might be overwhelmed by it. I suggest either making your own curry powder or finding "S&B Oriental Curry Powder" In a little yellow and red can, likely at an asian market ...
Apology or not, it's not like he did anything really legitimate. Also, the apology was weak. He apologized to me in the middle of causing trouble for me and acting like a fool. What? When he nearly killed me, I ASKED for the defib back multiple times, and he refused to communicate or do anything ...
While I understand why Stan is mad, I feel that the complaint is unwarranted and a matter of miscommunication. I joined the round with Candice Moore as the Captain, since for about a half hour or so, nobody had joined the game and there were only three players on the server. While I normally am ...