Search found 7 matches

by snayr
Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:32 am
Forum: Resolved Appeals
Topic: [MrAlphonzo] MaterialisticThings - Perm Ban
Replies: 9
Views: 3089

Re: [MrAlphonzo] MaterialisticThings - Perm Ban

Saying my perspective of the monkey who tossed you in the chamber. I wasn't a shadowling, just a guy who got monkied by a DNA injector. The gas chamber was only filled with miasma which I believe only makes you vomit but doesn't actually cause damage to my knowledge. I believe that Katty and Is-A ...
by snayr
Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:21 am
Forum: Resolved Appeals
Topic: thatslyfox - Lumi Pharon
Replies: 6
Views: 2157

Re: thatslyfox - Lumi Pharon

During a blob round CE went straight to the AI core, didn't move emitters or do shiet. Tried to card the AI for "not following laws", I think the CE should be banned since Lumi was just delivering justice on the dindu nuffin
by snayr
Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:32 am
Forum: General Chat
Topic: Screenshots General
Replies: 2704
Views: 997402

Re: Screenshots General

More then half the crew was killed by this I think
by snayr
Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:06 am
Forum: For No Reason Trash
Topic: [scaredofshadows] Luchador Jenkins-rigged CAH
Replies: 1
Views: 1457

[scaredofshadows] Luchador Jenkins-rigged CAH

Byond account and character name: Snayr, Luchador Jenkins
Time incident occured: 12:10
Detailed summary: At approximately 12:05 EST scaredofshadows and an assortment of other admins and players started a Cards Against Humanity game. My fellow associates and I were playing ...
by snayr
Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:03 am
Forum: Former Admins
Topic: [No longer host]Scaredofshadows
Replies: 27
Views: 9076

Re: Scaredofshadows

Fuck this guy he beat me at cards against humanity two times. I can't forgive him for this
by snayr
Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:18 am
Forum: Town Hall
Topic: Events...
Replies: 129
Views: 38651

Re: Event Ideas Suggestion

Honkpocalypse: Clown Army invades the station and claims it for Clown Planet. Any who oppose their rule are brutally honked to near-death, the only hope for the station is the mime, the clown's greatest foe. Over the course of the shift the Mime must gather silent rebels to fight the Honkcupation ...
by snayr
Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:05 pm
Forum: Ideas
Topic: Clown Office+Mime Office
Replies: 3
Views: 1620

Clown Office+Mime Office

Instead of having the clown and mime start out in the theater give each of them their own office that is suited to their needs. Clown has a cooler full of banana juice, mime has mime stuff I guess. Just something to make the Clown and Mime something more than glorified assistants.